sofskill Mount Sinabung

NPM               : 19213480
KELAS           : 1EA22
Mount Sinabung (Indonesian: Gunung Sinabung, also Dolok Sinabung, Deleng Sinabun, Dolok Sinaboen, Dolok Sinaboeng and Sinabuna) is a Pleistocene-to-Holocenestratovolcano of andesite and dacite in the Karo plateau of Karo Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 25 miles from Lake Tobasupervolcano. Many old lava flows are on its flanks and the last known eruption, before recent times, occurred in the year 1600. Solfataric activities (cracks where steam, gas, and lava are emitted) were last observed at the summit in 1912; recent documented events include an eruption in the early hours of 29 August 2010 and eruptions in September and November 2013, January and February 2014.
7300 years ago, in Indonesia, there was a very powerful eruption. So much so to be equated with the eruption of Mount Helena 2,000 times or 20,000 times the Hiroshima atomic-bomb explosion Nagasaki. In fact, as a result of the titanic eruptions, unobstructed sunlight entering into the earth due to soaring ash eruptions for decades.
As a result, the earth's temperature dropped to 15 degrees Celsius and the ice age began 2,000 years later. Not surprisingly, then life on earth is threatened with extinction. It is estimated that the human race is left only 10,000.
He was Mount Toba. That the enormity of the eruption, the caldera formed in the earth with the largest reserves in the world's largest magma (visible from satellite photos) around the former Mount Toba stand. Cekungannya is now Lake Toba to Samosir Island in the middle.
In addition to the caldera and lake, Toba eruption produced some mountain children, one of which the largest is the Mount Sinabung.
Since the formation of hundreds of years ago, the mountain diameter is 7 km mountain dormant (sleeping) or no activity. The last eruption occurred at 1600 mountain.However, some data and facts stated Sinabung showed signs of being "squirm". Although currently still shaped like a small cone, had no sign of "growth".
Mount Sinabung located in Karo of North Sumatra is one of 30 volcanoes exist on the Great Fault Sumetra Active Volcanoes and is closest to the "Mountain Super" ie ancient supervulcano TOBA.
And judging by its location, Sinabung active again since 2010, which for 400 years is "sleeping" soundly, its position is RIGHT on the Great Sumatran Fault from the "mama" itself, namely Mount Toba. And this fault is one of the two fault / fracture most active in the world.
Sinabung began to wake up after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that rocked Aceh on December 26, 2004, followed by the Nias earthquake in March 2005 and July 2006, followed by Padang earthquake in March 2007 repeated in September 2009 Nias earthquake followed again in October 2009 ....... a year later, August 29, 2010 Mount Sinabung erupts for the first time after years of silence 400an.
Great Sumatran Fault that extends along 1700 km have been recorded throughout history that shook the world, Fault Karakatau eruption at the end of this at the end of August 1883 has listed how great tempest of faults that can be presented to the entire world.
The resulting tsunami reached Hawaii, the English Channel and France, and even on the beaches around Sumatra and Java tsunami waves reached a height of 40 m. Imagine. Victims of 36,000 inhabitants. This is the number of people who died in the year 1883, where the human population is not as dense now. The number of casualties may bepuluh fold when going on right now.
Worldwide weather changes, dust covered the Earth's atmosphere, sunlight dimmed for a year, rampant pestilence, crop failures accompanying food shortages due to dust Karakatau. And many more phenomena that affect the world's future. And it all starts here, at the point hunjaman Indo-Australian plate and the Eurasian plate, which was Sinabung rumbled on it these days.
If the earthquake resulting tsunami caused by the activity of "plate" at a depth of 10 km at 160 km from the west coast of Aceh, it turns shallow volcanic earthquakes around a depth of 3 km below Sinabung recorded dozens of times a day, accompanied by some of the depth of Earthquake Tectonics 10 Km.
And on one of the last major eruption, officials said Sinabung Monitoring Post MAGMA NEW ARRIVE result. Supervulcano Toba is said to still have a magma chamber beneath it was silent. Above which there is the beauty of Lake Toba. And if it is a caldera lake, the Mount Sinabung is a "child".
And because of the hole on the top of Sinabung bursts continue to multiply and increase in size (is going on), it makes sense that the push magma will be more interested in centered on the point this out if there is magma trapped volume continues to grow with new magma due hunjaman-hunjaman plate since 2004.
Mount Sinabung is a Pleistocene-to-Halocene stratovolcano. It is located in a relatively cool area on a fertile plateau with mountains bounding the north. The summit crater of the volcano has a complex, longer form due to air vents migrating on the N-S line. The 2,460 meter high andesitic-todacitic volcano comes from the Sunda Arc. This is created by the subduction of the Indo-Australian Plate under the Eurasian Plate. The Andaman Islands are on the North-Northwest bound of the arc while the Banda Arc is on the East. Sinabung has a total of four volcanic craters, one of them being active currently.
August 2010
On 29 August 2010 (local time), the volcano experienced a minor eruption after several days of rumbling. Ash spewed into the atmosphere up to 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) high and lava was seen overflowing the crater. The volcano had been inactive for over four centuries, with the most recent eruption occurring in 1600. On 31 August 6,000 of the 30,000 villagers who had been evacuated returned to their homes. The volcano was assigned to category “B” In Indonesia, as it had been inactive for more than 400 years (volcanoes in category “A”, must be monitored frequently). The Indonesian Red Cross Society and the Health Ministry of Indonesia sent doctors and medicines to the region. The National Disaster Management Agency provided face masks and food to assist the evacuees.
September 2010
On Friday 3 September, two more eruptions were noted. The first happened at 4:45 am in the morning, forcing more villagers to leave their houses - some of them had just returned the day before. This eruption was the most intense so far, with ash spewed up into the atmosphere about 3.0 kilometres (1.9 mi) high. Some hours before the eruption a warning had been issued through the volcanology agency, and most villagers were prepared to leave quickly. A second eruption occurred the same evening, around 6 pm. The eruption came with earthquakes which could be noticed out to a 25.0 kilometres (15.5 mi) distance around the volcano.
On Tuesday 7 September, Mount Sinabung erupted yet again, its biggest eruption yet since it had become active on 29 August 2010 and experts warned of more blasts to come. Indonesia's chief vulcanologist, Surono, said "It was the biggest eruption yet and the sound was heard from 8 kilometres away. The smoke was 5,000 metres in the air".Heavy rain mixed with the ash to form muddy coatings, a centimetre thick, on buildings and trees. Electricity in one village was cut off, but there were no casualties.
Government response.
The Indonesian government was reported to have evacuated around 17,500 people from the region on and around the volcano. The government issued the highest-level warning for the area, which was expected to remain in force for around a week, since scientists were unfamiliar with the characteristics of the volcano, due to it having been dormant for so long. The government also set up kitchens for refugees to have access to food and handed out 7,000 masks. Over 10,000 people have been internally evacuated after the eruption, Secretary of the provincial administration, Edy Sofyan told Xinhua by phone. Spokesman of National Disaster Management Agency Priyadi Kardono said the eruption had not been predicted earlier like other volcanoes and that authorities must conduct a quick preparation for emergency work because Mount Sinabung’s seismic activity has been monitored intensively only since Friday after it showed an increase in activity. In the wake of the eruption, the National Disaster Management Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana/BNPB), supported the roughly 27,489 displaced people by providing shelters. In addition, "BNPB has distributed 1,000 blankets, 1,000 sleeping mats and 500 family tents. The local government has allocated 50 tonnes of rice, 14,000 tins of fish, 1 water truck, 1,000 bottles of ketchup, 240 kg of instant noodles, 500 blankets, 50 family tents, 200 sleeping mats, oxygen bottles/tubes for emergency, and 5,000 packs of vitamin C and B6.
The towns nearest to the volcano are Kabanjahe and Berastagi. There were no disruptions reported to air services at the regional airport, Medan's Polonia. One person was reported dead due to the eruption; he had respiratory problems while fleeing his home.
September 2013
On Sunday 15 September 2013, the volcano erupted at around 3 a.m local time. More than 3,700 people were evacuated from areas within a 3 kilometre (2 mile) radius of the volcano, and five halls normally used for traditional cultural ceremonies were converted into shelters with at least 1,500 being temporarily housed.
November 2013
The volcano erupted again on 5 November 2013, for the third time in as many months, forcing thousands of villagers to evacuate. The Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation advised villagers to keep a distance of at least 2 miles from the volcano, while 5,000 people were evacuated from North Sumatra's Karo Regency. The eruption has affected the people living around the volcano in more than one way; crops died due to the ash fall leading to an economic change in the area. Sinabung is one of nearly 130 active volcanoes in the world's fourth-most populated country, which straddles the "Pacific Ring of Fire".On 11 November 2013, a pyroclastic flow, a fast-moving avalanche of ash, lava fragments and air, was seen racing down the peak. Since the eruption, Mount Sinabung has been very active in terms of having explosions of ash up to 2 times a day.
December 2013
By 28 December 2013 a lava dome had formed on the summit
January 2014
On 4 January 2014, the volcano erupted again. "Mount Sinabung, which has erupted over a hundred times between Jan. 4 through the morning of Jan. 5 is spewing out a 4,000 metre (13,000 ft) high column of ash damaging property and crops and poisoning animals over a wide radius.
February 2014
On 1 February 2014 a further eruption occurred that sent clouds of hot ash 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) into the air and engulfed nearby villages. Reports claim that at least 14 people died as a result of the eruption, which occurred just after residents living more than five kilometers from the mountain had been allowed to return home following a lack of recent volcanic activity. Among the dead were a local television journalist and four high-school students along with their teacher, who were visiting the mountain to see the eruptions up close. Seven of the victims were members of the Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI), who died while trying to save local residents as pyroclastic flows swept across Mount Sinabung.
An ecosystem responds to volcanism in many different ways depending on the frequency, scale, and severity of the eruptions. Further more, it can be assumed that the pyroclastic flow of the eruption that was an estimated 700 degrees in temperature killed many of the organic matter including plants and animals. As seen in the Mount St. Helens eruption, many insects would likely die due to the ask fall. This abrasion due to the ash causes quick desiccation. Although many insects may have survived from being in trees that were not torn down or deep in the ground, these insects may not live long after the event due to lack of resources. Many larger animals may not have been able to escape the flow in time. However, like at Mt. St. Helens, many of these animals could recover from pools of survivors and from invasion of other species.
The eruption of Mount Sinabung on Sumatra is very surprising. Sebuh uncharacteristic eruption was preceded by previous signs. But Sinabung in the category B does not get the attention like a volcano type A. Activities range has shown that he is not a mountain to die.
The last eruption in recorded history, the mountain erupted in 1600. Mountains with an elevation of 2,460 m (8.071 ft) has been spewing lava and dust and sand volkaniknya to air on August 29, 2010 at 00:10 midnight.
Because inactive for hundreds of years, mountains with elevations of 2,460 meters above sea level was classified type B. Another example of the type of mountain is Merbabu adjacent to Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta and North Sumatra Sibayak. Keep in mind that the slopes of Mount Sibayak there are geothermal power plant. Tentusaja know the status of this mountain is vital.
Mr. Surono explained from the Geological Agency, the mountain is a volcano type B that does not have the character as a magmatic eruption. Based on the priority threats, mountain type B is not monitored regularly. Will, but that does not mean mountain in Indonesia with type B is not observed. Only the lower priorities of volcanic type A
Since erupted at 00:10 midnight earlier, further Surono, PVMBG change the type of the mountain to type A with alert status. The next mountain will be monitored every day for 24 hours.
Quarterly activities of Sinabung volcano
According to the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) shows that the mountain is growing very fast. Activities of Sinabung Volcano eruption and nature were never recorded, therefore it is not known eruptive activity. Because it was never recorded eruptions since 1600, the G. Sinabung grouped in type B, and continuous monitoring is not performed.
During the activities of Sinabung G. solfatara observed only in the form of manifestation and fumarola in the crater aktif.Bahkan often climb this mountain and have a very beautiful scenery.
Over the previous two days based on the information that was on the field team reported on August 28, 2010 at 08.00 - 16.00, visually observed a thin white smoke, a height of about 20 meters with a weak to moderate pressure. Then at 16:00 to 19:00 pm, G. Sinabung shrouded in fog. While observations at 19.00 - 24.00 pm, not observed the presence of smoke from the active crater.
Thus G. Sinabung showed no signs of improvement activities that make us get ready.
However, on August 29, 2010 at 0:08 pm tengahmalam, the sound of thunder. With the activities of Sinabung G. then changed the type of type B to type A and its status is expressed CAUTION commencing at 0:10 pm on August 29, 2010. This is due at 0:10 pm, after coordinating with the team on the field, it was decided conducted refugee community living and active at a radius of 6 km from the active crater.
At approximately 0:12 pm, the smoke looks eruption height of 1500 meters from the crater rim. When compared with Kelud the "failed" erupted earlier had shown signs in a long time.
With the very sudden activity is the Emergency Response Team has been in the field (Cimacem Bekerah Village, District Namanteran) since August 28, 2010 and has coordinated with relevant officials of the province of North Sumatra and Karo.
This team will install monitoring equipment and keep abreast of the activities of Sinabung G.carefully. And because G. Sinabung in status CAUTION development activities will be reportedevery6hours.

Directorate of Volcanology appealed to the public as follows:
·         People who live and move within a radius of 6 km from the active crater in order to be evacuated to a safe place.
·         If there is a fairly heavy rain of ash, so that people using the mask covering the nose and mouth and close water source for drinking purposes.
·         Given the unknown G. Sinabung eruption activity and nature, then the public to be patient to follow the direction of the Local Government (BPBDs / Satlak / Satkorlak) and Local Government to always coordinate with the team of experts in the field.
·         Given the current in the region around G. Sinabung often rains, so that people who live on the banks of rivers that disgorge at the peak of Sinabung G. to be aware of the possibility of secondary hazards such as lava flood.
·         The mountain erupted again Friday, September 3rd, 2010 at dawn as well. After three nights staying in refugee camps, refugees should eventually 31 were admitted to hospitals Kabanjahe, Karo District.

Most of the 31 refugees were suffering from ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection). The refugees were hospitalized. Due to limitations of equipment and facilities at evacuation shelters. From the data post, ill Refugees of 2087, 1,144 people suffer from ARI.

The mountain was still danger with thick smoke and volcanic dust to Saturday (04/9/2010) tonight.

Officers volcanologist said the volcano's status is still alert or level IV. The government also asked the people who live and move within a radius of six kilometers from the active crater evacuated to a safe place.

erupting since four months ago has made tourists to visit the Karo district, North Sumatra continued to decline. Though not all areas affected Karo eruption of the volcano.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), ukus Kuswara, in a press conference at The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Central Jakarta, Wednesday (05/02/2014), said the decline in the number of tourists was not because of information received society is less precise.

"In addition we have to establish the location of the image (perception) balance information, do not let disasters destroy our image," he said.

He mentioned Karo occupancy rate for the class before the eruption of reach 45.75 percent, while only 23.73 per cent. As for the jasmine class occupancy rate reached 61.24 percent before the disaster, while currently only reached 18.60 percent.

For North Sumatra in 2013 the average monthly visits reached 439 068 people, since the disaster that number decreased to 383 197 people.

The decrease in the number of tourists not only occur in the Karo district, but also occur in other areas in North Sumatra. Ukas mention since the eruption of Mount Sinabung, the number of tourists who visit Lake Toba Samosir regency decreased, whereas the region include safe.


